IDEAL is a new fellowships programme promoted by Fundación IMDEA Nanociencia that over five years aims to attract 12 talented postdoctoral researchers to undertake excellent research in any of the areas of research carried out at the institute:

  • Organic nanosystems for light harvesting and energy conversion.
  • Fundamental properties of 2D materials.
  • Nanomedicine against cancer and infection.
  • Nanomagnetism and critical raw materials
  • Solid state quantum devices for information technologies.

Within the IDEAL Programme, we aim at boosting the research careers of talented fellows offering them an innovative, intersectoral, and truly interdisciplinary training in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. IMDEA Nanociencia is committed to training a pool of researchers with the skills and knowledge needed to tackle the next challenges in the field nanoscience.

Fellows will receive a well-balanced research independence and mentoring from an experienced scientific and management team as well as access to an infrastructure of the highest level for the pursuit of their projects in nanoscience and nanotechnology. The duration of the fellowships is 30 months.

IDEAL is supported by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions