Nanoscience takes advantage of the properties shown by materials at the nanometric scale (10-9 m), which often differ in terms of physics, chemistry or biology from their behaviour at larger scale. The various scientific fields that come together to study this area mean it is a key enabler in driving the development of crosstechnological, inter-sectoral solutions to societal problems.
Designed to ensure a key role in addressing relevant Societal Challenges, the Scientific Programmes ensure the research follows regional and national strategies whilst aligning strongly with the Horizon Europe. Interdisciplinary research is fundamental to all the Programmes and all projects on offer will involve interdisciplinary research and a wide range of opportunities for cross-sectorial and international experiences.

Researchers and support staff at IMDEA Nanociencia promote and foster a culture of research integrity and the Institute is committed to create an open research environment and provide the tools for doctoral candidates to gain autonomous, creative and critical thinking. Doctoral candidates are encouraged to explore opportunities for technology transfer arising from their research project. The Institute´s Platform for Disruptive Innovation will provide support and facilities for prototyping, proof-of-concept testing, and scaling-up.
P1: Nanotechnology for energy harvesting
This programme deals with the design and synthesis of molecular nanostructures and nanomaterials, their spectroscopic characterization, in particular, their time resolved optical response, and their self-assembly at surfaces. The expertise required includes the functionalization of different nanoforms of carbon, namely fullerenes, carbon nanotubes and graphene, metal-organic frameworks, spin-cross over architectures, organometallic compounds and semiconducting quantum dots to be self-organized on surfaces by means of covalent or supramolecular approaches and the implementation of various spectroscopic techniques, including spectroscopy of single molecules. Among the objectives of the Programme in basic science one may cite the characterization (and understanding) of the interaction lightorganic molecules and the properties of (model) solar cells. The practical objective is the use of this information, if possible, for the corresponding optimization of functional organic devices, such as (prototype) organic solar cells, as well as the preparation of a variety of materials for hole and electron transport, respectively, in perovskite- based solar cells.
P2: Quantum materials at the nanoscale
Quantum Technologies play a cornerstone role in the future European economy and competitiveness. They will impact security, counterfeit prevention, drug discovery, material sciences, complex-network optimisation, information storage, artificial intelligence, sensing, weather or stock market forecasts, or metrology. The programme combines advanced microscopies and spectroscopies with atomic resolution -essential to characterize matter at the nanoscale- with multi-scale theoretical modelling to design, synthesize and characterize quantum materials. With our expertise in scanning probe microscopies we visualize exotic quantum states and build a theoretical framework to correlate structural properties and quantum behaviour. This enable us to design materials ad-hoc, optimized for specific functionality. In-house access to nanofabrication tools will empower us to manufacture devices exploiting these quantum phenomena. Activities of this programme have implications for aeronautics, electronic, magnetic, sensory, and energy applications and it is in close collaboration with research programmes P1 and P4.
P3: Nanotechnology for healthcare
This programme is focused on the development of novel nanotechnologies for medical applications on three different areas: NanoOncology (Translational developments for cancer treatment and diagnosis), NanoDiagnosis (development of new colorimetric tests for biological threats), and NanoNeurology (Nanotech based developments for neurodegenerative diseases). The programme is highly multi- and interdisciplinary character, combining the concerted effort of biologists, chemists, physicists and medical doctors pursuing a common objective, which is only possible in few places worldwide, among them IMDEA Nano. We build on the translational aspects of some of our technologies to bring them closer to the clinic with the aim for better, more efficient, and cost-effective therapeutic and diagnostic tools. The programme is in close collaboration with research programmes P1 and P4.
P4: Nanomagnetism for Information and Communication Technologies
The scientific activity of the Nanomagnetism Programme is at the forefront of both fundamental and applied research on magnetic nanostructures, dealing with the preparation and characterization of advanced multifunctional magnetic nanomaterials with enormous impact for our society, including sensing & information storage (spintronic & spin-orbitronic), energy production & conversion (permanent magnets), and biomedical (magnetic nanoparticles) applications. The programme addresses important and interrelated societal challenges: a) Reducing energy consumption by exploiting spin-orbitronic systems in the information era; b) Developing efficient, spintronic-based, hardware brains, or neuro-inspired circuits; c) Developing efficient, magnetic-based, devices for bioapplications. This programme is in close collaboration with research programmes P2, P3, and P6.
P5: Ultrafast phenomena at the nanoscale
Photoinduced Exciton and Charge Transport (ET and CT) controls fundamental processes occurring in plants and bacteria, such as photosynthesis, photo-oxidation, electronic transport and molecular damage. They are also at the heart of emerging technologies, such as those based on photovoltaic and optoelectronic devices, molecular wires, molecular junctions, polymer-based transistors, photocatalysis and artificial photosynthesis, all of them the object of thorough investigations at IMDEA Nano. The common denominator for ET/CT processes is the absorption of light, which produces electron-hole pairs (or excitons) that can separate along the material, thus generating an electric current. The initial electron-hole dynamics is very fast: it occurs on a time scale ranging from hundreds of attoseconds to a few femtoseconds. At longer times, from several tens of fs to picoseconds or even nanoseconds, the coupling with nuclear motion can substantially alter the generated electric current and even suppress it due to decoherence effects.
The Programme focuses on the study of ultrafast phenomena with simultaneous high temporal and spatial resolutions. This is achieved by the combination of in-house scanning tunnelling microscopes, transient absorption set ups, and femto-chemistry using ultrashort pulses with extend theoretical tools (to interpret and guide the new experiments). Additionally, extremely intense X-ray flashes at European XFEL are used to elucidate some fundamental aspects. This programme is in close collaboration with research programmes P1,P2, and P4.
P6: Nanotechnology for critical raw materials and sustainability
This Programme addresses key challenges indicated by the European Commission on climate actions, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials. Critical Raw Materials (CRMs) are used in environmental technologies, consumer electronics, health, defense, space exploration, aviation… these materials are not only “critical” for key industry sectors and future applications, but also for the sustainable functioning of the European economy. For instance, the EU estimates that the demand for rare-earths (over 90% controlled by China) will rise ten-fold by 2050, boosted by the needs of key industries (energy, transport, aerospace).
The activities of this new programme are fostered towards the development of alternatives based on elements widely available in Europe and it has been created with two specific scientific lines: a) the development of advanced and novel permanent magnets; b) the development of (smart) bioinspired functional surfaces. All under premises of sustainability and reduced CO2emissions to achieve the European Green Deal objectives. This programme is in close collaboration with all research programmes.