Inicio 9 PhD projects 9 Uncovering the dynamics of synthetic molecular motors at the single-molecule level

Uncovering the dynamics of synthetic molecular motors at the single-molecule level


P1: Nanotechnology for energy harvesting

P3: Nanotechnology for healthcare


Molecular motors are nanoscale devices capable of converting energy into movement and force, in other words, to perform work at the nanoscale. Artificial nanomachines are currently the subject of intense research interest due to their many potential applications in diverse fields from biomedicine to nanorobotics. Over the last 25 five years, researchers in this field, inspired by the efficient operation of biological molecular motors, have devised an impressive array of switches, ratchets, propellers and molecular mechanisms that can be plugged together as if they were nanoscale Lego pieces. In the words of Prof. D. Leigh, one of the top researchers in the field, ‘In 10 years’ time, molecular machinery will be seen as a core part of Chemistry and materials design’.

Currently, researchers in the field are very much interested in defining the processes that regulate the operation of these synthetic devices at the nanoscale.  Several crucial open question remain unanswered about the dynamic events and mechano-chemical processes that rule out the operation of these synthetic systems at the molecular level. Answering these questions is of fundamental importance for the design, use and control of efficient devices based on synthetic molecular machinery. We have demonstrated that the optical tweezers technique can be used to manipulate and probe the properties of artificial molecular switches at the single-molecule level. This is a truly innovative approach in the field of single-molecule Supramolecular Chemistry. We showed that we can use this technique to unravel the dynamic and mechano-chemical processes behind the operation of individual synthetic devices (Naranjo et al 2017, Chemical Science, Naranjo et al 2018, Nature Communications).

Now we aim to break new ground by looking into the operation of a true synthetic molecular motor. The main objective of this PhD project is to study the dynamics and mechano-chemistry of operation of individual rotaxane-based molecular motors propelled by chemical reactions. To this end we will use high-resolution optical tweezers and optical tweezers combined with temperature control.

To accomplish the objectives of this PhD project we will bring together advanced chemical synthesis, biochemistry, single-molecule manipulation and statistical physics. The project will be conducted in collaboration between our lab (single molecule biophysics,, and the labs of Prof. Emilio M. Pérez (IMDEA NAnanociencia, chemistry of low dimensional materials), Prof. David Leigh (University of Manchester, chemistry, molecular level dynamics) and, Prof. R. Dean Astumian (Maine University, Chemistry-Physics). There are opportunities for secondments at these laboratories.


PhD candidates should hold (or expect soon) a Master degree in physics, chemistry or related subjects. Previous experience in supramolecular chemistry, biophysics or optical tweezers will be considered positively. Excellent team spirit and willingness to cooperate in an interdisciplinary and international team, together with good English and scientific skills are also expected.


The Molecular Motors Manipulation laboratory ( led by Dr. B. Ibarra is interested in understanding the dynamic and mechano-chemical processes governing the operation of biological and synthetic systems. Using state-of-the-art optical tweezers techniques we measure and manipulate the real-time kinetics and conformational changes of individual molecules. Our research provides information about the activities of biological and synthetic devices that cannot be obtained with classical bulk methods.

The chemistry of low-dimensional materials group led by Prof.  E. Pérez develops chemical methods for the modification and manipulation of nanomaterials, with focus in carbon nanotubes and 2D materials. The collaboration with the Molecular Motors Manipulation lab is based on the design and synthesis of adequate molecular targets to be investigated at the single-molecule level.

Prof. D. Leigh laboratory explores, invents and discovers fundamental ways to control molecular-level dynamics and topology. This includes strategies and methods to synthesize interlocked molecular architectures and molecular machinery.